Sustainable Make-up

Make up video: What global goal would you focus on if you had a blog? (50 words)


  1. Now I know who I am and what I stand for

  2. cant wait to try out the products !!

  3. It really opened my mind, this is so inspiring! OMG you guys rock

  4. I feel like you could have researched more about the product, other than that it was AMAZING! Loved it gurl!

  5. SaveThePlanet123GoldfishNovember 13, 2019 at 1:58 AM

    Saving the planet, Climate Change.

    If we don't save the planet some of the other main goals will be hard to reach, specificly clean water and sanitation + life on land.

  6. Quite creative and a fun way to learn about a global goal.
    You could also use global education as an optional for a blog. A quick way to teach and gain knowledge online.

  7. I would focus on/ write about good "health and well-being". Then i could make up healthy and cheap meal recipes that focuses on food-saving, how to save money (budget living), overall recycling etc.

  8. Getting SO inspired, what is the Make up artist called?
    Might want to hire him for my wedding this spring.

  9. Nice Article! If you want to engage your employees then these global diversity awareness month ideas are the best option for you. These ideas help you to engage your employees and boost their morale & productivity.


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